David Densmore Paintings
New Paintings 23 & 24
Brainstem Bouquet Lyrics & Notes
Landscapes Slide Show
Orcas Slide Show
Turtleback stages slide show
Still Life
Still Life Slide Show
Spring 2021 Victorian Valley
Turtleback stages slide show
Kingdom Come / Eastsound from the Water 36x48
Nordstrom rd Looking East 30x40
Water Under the Bridge 30x40
Crow Valley From Turtleback Mt (horizontal) 24x48
Driveway Alder 12x12
The Jumping Off Tree Horizontal 24x30
Mountain Lake at Dam 24x36
Coldspring Trail 18x36
Cold Spring Trail 24x48
Bridge to America 15x30
Spring Morning Turtleback Mt 24x40
Kristen in the Flowers on panel 12x16
Sweet Pea Pathway 12x16
Mimi's Flowers on panel 12x16
Three Pumpkins 16x20
Victorian Valley Sunset 9x12
Victorian Valley Sunset w/ Red Barns on panel 9x12
VV Orchard & Red Barns on panel 2 12x16
Chapel in Orchard on panel 9x12
Orchard and barns on panel 9x12
Westsound Madronas 24x36
Nordstrom rd Looking West 30x40
The Jumping Off Tree 18x24
Westbound Low Tide 18x24
Eastsound Episcopal / Walking the Labyrinth 24x36
Crow Valley Farm Autumn 24x36
Crow Valley Farm Winter 24x36
Skagit Valley Blueberries 18x24
Coffelt Farm 20x30
Yellow Island Wildflowers 30x40
Garden Shed Morning Star Farm 12x16
Chapel in the Orchard on panel 12x16
Fall Chestnuts Victorian Valley 12x16
Victorian Valley Pond 1 on linen 9x12
Victorian Valley Pond 2 on linen 9x12
VV Orchard & Red Barns on panel 1 12x16
Olga Bridge on panel 9x12
Chapel in Pear Blossoms on panel 9x12
Our Lawn Fall 18x24